Wednesday, March 24, 2010

it must be today
or tomorrow
or maybe the day after
but it surely will come
to us

“Semua yang ada di muka bumi ini akan fana.” (QS. Ar-Rahman: 36)


cik M said...

yes!! mati itu pasti!!

deli said...

kau mati da sedia ke mar?

cik M said...

ape bM ko ni... ak takot!! tak sedie!!

Iji said...

BM jel dah tepengaruh dgn zat.

Sumpah zati takut.

Anyway, takziah to him and his family.

cik M said...

zat...awk mmg kuat pengaruh jeli...

huu... sian die...

deli said...

korang memang, byk mempengaruhi aku

btw n fyi, this post was post one day before ayah azhari pergi

in case kalo ade yang tersinggung dgn perkataan takut
salam takziah untuk kuarga azhari, may Allah bless his soul, be placed with org2 soleh

cik M said...

mcm kebetulan sgt post ko ni kan...